Chemistry Glossary


Disproportionation - a reaction in which the same species is simultaneously reduced and oxidized

Nitric acid

Nitric acid - strong oxidizing agents and they can oxidize most metals, even those below hydrogen in the electrochemical series (e.g. copper)


Oxidation - a process in which a species gains oxygen, loses hydrogen or loses electron(s), or the oxidation number of an element in the species increases

Oxidation number

Oxidation number - an imaginary charge assigned to an atom according to a set of rules, assuming that all compounds are ionic

Oxidizing agent

Oxidizing agent - a species that causes oxidation


Oxoanion - a negative ion containing oxygen

Redox reaction

Redox reaction - the combined process of reduction and oxidation

Reducing agent

Reducing agent - a species that causes reduction


Reduction - a process in which a species loses oxygen, gains hydrogen or gains electron(s), or the oxidation number of an element in the species decreases

Stock system

Stock system - a system of naming compounds based on oxidation numbers

Sulphuric acid

Sulphuric acid - a highly corrosive strong mineral acid with the molecular formula H2SO4

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