Chemistry Glossary

Addition reaction

Addition reaction - a reaction in which two or more molecules react to give a single product


Combustion - a high-temperature exothermic oxidation reaction between a fuel and an oxidant which produce light and heat, e.g. methane reacts with oxidant (oxygen gas) produces carbon dioxide, water and energ

Condensation reaction

Condensation reaction - a type of reaction in which two or more molecules react together to form a larger molecule with the elimination of a small molecule


Esterification - a reversible reaction of a carboxylic acid with an alcohol to form an ester through a condensation reaction


Halogenation - the substitution reaction of an alkane with a halogen


Hydrogenation - a reaction that hydrogen adds across a carbon-carbon double bond of alkene to form alkane in the presence of a catalyst


Hydrolysis - a reversible reaction of an ester with water to produce alcohol and carboxylic acid

Markovnikov's rule

Markovnikov's rule - a rule for predicting the major addition product formed: when a molecule HA adds to an asymmetric alkene, the major product is the one in which the hydrogen atom attaches itself t

Substitution reaction

Substitution reaction - a reaction in which an atom (or group of atoms) in a molecule is replaced by another atom (or group of atoms)

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